Welcome to the Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry

The existence of poverty is shameful!
To be poor is not.

We advocate with and for people living in poverty.

We strive to educate and create systemic change.

Our Mission:

Rooted in God’s radical love, expressed through compassion and action, the Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry advocates and educates with and for those seeking social and economic justice.

Your generosity makes it possible for individuals to access resources to meet their basic needs.

Whether it is a one-time donation or recurring donation, every dollar goes directly to our mission helping people who have slipped into poverty with the challenges they face.

Regina Survival Guide

Click the image below to view the Survivial Guide PDF

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Nailed it. Quint Development Corporation ... See MoreSee Less

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we get 453 in south rural sask

Set up for failure...time to shake up the system

Important information - access to recovery programs is limited by red tape & lack of treatment centres

Important information - access to recovery programs is limited by red tape & lack of treatment centresMyth: anybody in Regina who wants to get sober can just go to treatment. Simple as that.

Often sounds like: “These people don’t want help.”

Fact: Many Regina residents who need an extended detox go to Moose Jaw. There is a long waiting list and in order to stay in the queue, you need to phone every day during your allotted call-in time.

Imagine living on the streets, most likely without a phone, and having to phone in every single day during the same period to keep your spot in then queue in another city you need to get to, over 30 minutes away.

Don’t believe us? It’s right on the site. Read for yourself.

Step 1 is phone every single day at a specific time just to stay on the wait list. Including weekends and holidays when 90% of the nonprofits and CBOS are closed in Regina.

Want the cold, hard truth? Forced treatment is an expensive distraction for the absolute mockery this Province has made of voluntary treatment that is inaccessible. We believe Minister Jensen will do better and we believe he cares to right the wrongs.

RAH will continue to fight for the people alongside anyone and everyone who is doing the good work that needs doing.

Our 2025 weapon of choice is education. Please talk to your neighbours, friends, family and congregations and make sure we keep busting these damaging myths.
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this has always been the process

sure seems like access has gone down hill a long way the last 20 years..

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